We are delighted to announce our improved Weekly Timetable Planner view on ManageBac, which will make the Student & Parent experience better than ever!

Week View

The new Weekly Timetable Planner view and the accompanying PDF export have been designed to address the complex scheduling challenges presented with Remote Learning. Key Highlights include:

1. Improved Look & Feel on Web and Mobile with colors & illustrations.

Enhanced Weekly Timetable &Amp; Attendance Screenshoot 2

2. Upcoming Online Lessons are shown prominently at the top.

Upcoming Online Lessons Are Shown Prominently At The Top.

3. Event & Task Modals show details at-a-glance with coursework submission status.

Event &Amp; Task Modals Show Details At-A-Glance With Coursework Submission Status.

4. Print PDF version is designed to fit on one US Letter / A4-size with minimal color to conserve ink toner.

Low Color Print Pdf To Conserve Toner

With our Attendance customization enhancements, ManageBac Attendance now supports variable Lesson Periods across their rotation day schedule with customization by Grade-level and Programme and the ability to configure Recurring Lessons for Recess, Lunch Break, etc.

No matter how complex your Attendance requirements, ManageBac can now support them!

Stay tuned for our next set of updates on the Calendar and full customization of Attendance Categories.