Primary Years Programme:

  • Subject Descriptions added to Primary Years Report Cards: Administrators can now add default subject descriptions to all assessed subjects, divided by grade level, via Settings > Primary Years Programme > Subject Descriptions.
Subject Descriptions
  • These descriptions will then appear at the top of each subject gradebook for teacher reference as they are grading, and will also appear on the Primary Years Report Cards.
Subject Descriptions Report Card

Vantage Reader:

  • Document comments now exportable: Any overall comments on the student’s work made via the Details > Comments panel on the right-hand side of the page will now be exported with the rest of the annotations. They will appear in the top left corner of the downloaded work.


  • Annotations now available as anonymous download: Vantage Reader now offers an option to download a student’s annotated work with the names of the annotator removed. Click Download and select PDF (Annotated; Anonymised) to access this option.

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