November 15 is just around the corner! We’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions from our support desk, together with comprehensive answers:

1. I registered some of my students manually on IBIS. Why is there no change in the ManageBac status?

IBIS registrations in ManageBac are a one-way flow of data from ManageBac to IBIS. All changes made to a student’s registration from within IBIS will not be reflected on ManageBac. The one exception is candidate session numbers, which we update on ManageBac in January. (See #3 for more information).

2. How do I enable World Studies for EE?

To enable World Studies for EE, first navigate to Settings > Diploma > Subjects. Next, scroll down and check off World Studies. Click Save Changes.

Screenshot 2

Scroll back to the top and select the Options & Levels tab. Scroll down to World Studies. You will see category options for EE there. Please note that World Studies must first be checked off in the Subjects tab before the EE categories display here.

Extended Essay World Studies

Under the Plans tab, students will now be able to select World Studies EE options in the dropdown menu.

Ibis Registration

3. When are candidate session numbers and PINs updated?

Candidate session numbers are pulled back from IBIS into ManageBac on January 15. This allows Administrators time to re-number candidates from within IBIS after they have been registered through ManageBac.

PINs are not pulled back from IBIS and will need to be manually entered via IB Manager > Year Group > Plans. Click the link Update IBIS Personal Codes.

4. How do I register DP Course students for CAS, EE, or ToK?

The IB has begun to allow DP Course students to register individually for CAS, EE and ToK. ManageBac does not currently support this. It’s best to register these students directly on IBIS for the Core subjects that they want to take.

5. Can I register DP Course students on ManageBac?

Yes! On the student’s Plan worksheet, please click Edit in the Personal Information section. You’ll see an option for DP Course at the bottom.

Dp Course

Please feel free to contact our support team directly at any time, day or night, with questions about IBIS registration.