We are delighted to announce that the upcoming New Admin UI will include ManageBac Google Docs & Class integration, which will provide a seamless user experience for teachers & students, who are using Google Apps for Education.

With the new UI, teachers will be able to assign, and distribute a Google Doc template to their entire ManageBac class!

How does it work and what are the key steps?

Teacher: Document Creation & Differentiation
1. Directly link or create GDocs to your Summative and Formative assessment tasks
2. Assign one or more Google Doc templates to your students – supporting greater differentiation

Student: Coursework Creation, Submission & Portfolio
3. Students can directly work on GDocs within ManageBac and easily submit upon completion with one-click
4. Upon coursework submission, GDocs are automatically versioned and time-stamped and saved into the student portfolio

Teacher: Evaluation & Marking
5. Mark with annotations via Vantage Reader and evaluate within Gradebook

For teachers, this provides a seamless way to integrate Google Docs into ManageBac with single-sign-on access between both systems.

For students, this provides one-click access to their GDocs editor with the coursework template pre-loaded, automatically saves the coursework to their ManageBac portfolio, and provides an integrated experience without a separate login.

We will be posting updated tutorials to our Support Tutorials once the integration is released.