Building on our Remote Learning features with Presentation Mode & KeyChat, we are happy to introduce the new Student Engagement Analytics, which provide real-time insight into individual student usage & activity across three areas:

  1. Task Completion: the number of completed assessment tasks, including coursework submissions.
  2. Online Lessons Joined: the number of online lessons that the student has joined.
  3. Last Login: the date of the student’s last login to ManageBac.

Student Engagement Analytics 1

Ideally designed for your Pastoral & Homeroom Advisors, this new Analytics Dashboard provides an at-a-glance snapshot of student engagement with the ability to easily filter by Grade, Academic Term, and Homeroom Advisors.

Homeroom Advisors can see granular Task submission by hovering over each Student.

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Students are automatically grouped into four tiers based on their overall Engagement Levels:

Highly Engaged On-Track At-Risk Not Engaged
Last Login Less than 3 days ago Greater than 3 days ago Greater than 1 week ago Greater than 2 weeks ago
Online Lessons Joined Greater than or equal to 80% Less than 80% Less than or equal to 50% Less than or equal to 25%
Task Completion Greater than or equal to 80%, only tasks with dates in the past and with dropbox enabled Less than 80%, only tasks with dates in the past and with dropbox enabled Less than or equal to 50%, only tasks with dates in the past and with dropbox enabled Less than or equal to 25%, only tasks with dates in the past and with dropbox enabled


Student Engagement Analytics 3

Student Engagement Reminders & Notifications

If students are falling behind or need additional support, School Administrators are able to select students individually or by cohort, and send them personalized bulk email & mobile push notifications. This notification text can be customised via the right navigation menu.

Learn more about best practices for Student Engagement in a Remote Learning environment, and feel free to contact ManageBac support with any questions.